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About Sidart

SIDART was established as a Non-Government Organization on January 01st 1998 by a group of passionate, like minded and dedicated individuals committed to the cause of Humanitarian and social work, empowerment especially towards women and children.

SIDART got registered under the Rajasthan Societies Registration Act on 23rd of April 1998 and now has upgraded itself and is registered to work PAN INDIA. SIDART realizes the importance of local wisdom, knowledge, and resources and uses a facilitative (non-directive) approach. SIDART organizes training and capacity building programmes for individuals and upcoming organizations which are need-based.

We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Empowerment of the marginalized and poor especially children and women enabling them to resist exploitation arising out of class, caste, and gender by using their physical resources to protect, nurture and sustain values that guarantee gender at personal, familial, social, political and institutional levels, address the right to life, through road safety trainings and programmes.


Our Vision

Realize the rights of the people and help others to realize the needs of everyone. Explore, promote, disseminate and strengthen the ways to help those who are in need. Keep working for the betterment of the others.

Presently we are working on:

Women empowerment   |   Child health and nutrition   |   Community development  |  Module development  |  Rural development
Adolescent health  |  Tribal development all over India  |  Development of Model Panchayat  |  Community care for HIV & AIDS prevention  |  Gender concerns  |  Action research  |  Environmental conservation  |  NGO networking  |  AU health awareness camp   Social marketing  |  Capacity building  |  Vocational trainings for youth  |  Capacity building of women in Panchayats  |  Sexual harassment at the workplace  |  Learning Visit in Parliament and Priya NGO

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