Sora Tabar
SORA TABAR Project has the objective of creating awareness about child health. SIDART has been conducting school rallies in the rural areas and villages around Jaipur in collaboration with Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
In these occasions, first the school children are invited to take part in a drawing contest. After introducing them to the topics they are asked to draw pictures about vaccination, their homes, sanitation and drinking water. When they are finished, the drawings are collected and the rally itself starts. For the rally the children receive flyers with information about and sanitation issues and nutrition, as well as pictures so that the illiterate villagers can also understand. Some of the children are holding up placards and sign boards with slogans about the three key issues: sanitation, malnutrition and immunization. While walking through the village the children are chanting the slogans. In that way the attention of many people on the street and in the houses they pass by can be caught. After returning to the school the winners of the drawing contest are announced. All children can take the information sheets home so that their family members also gain some insights into the key issues.